Monday, September 13, 2010

Countdown A1: Part I (with Eng. Translation)

Here comes the AUDI A1 feat Kaulitz Twins comic with the English translation, finally! Credits the lovely Shirin from Tokio Hotel Malaysian Street Team ;)

Countdown A1
Bill and Tom Kaulitz in a duel between brothers

Tom has the perfect strategy, but will he have to give it up to Bill at the last minute?

T: Hey, brother, you can still back out. I'm sure to win this!

B: Haha! Ready when you are. Or are you scared?

T: OK! That's it!

B: Victory will be mine.

T: Dream on!

B: Let's go! Show me what you can do!

T: Enjoy watching my exhaust, brother!

B: Well, I hope my tail lights won't blind you.

Both: Asskicking bet! Cool car!

B: Attention everyone! The heat is on!

G: Who will win my heart?

T: Get off the driveway, sweetheart!

B: The first dance will belong to the winner... ME!

G: Keep Cool, Tom.

B: Yup!
I need a headstart. A way to get ahead first would be great!

T: I'll let him go first. Then I'll overtake him until he can't see a thing!

G: Start your engines, boys!

B: This feels great!

T: Hang tight...

G: Three..

Two, ONE...GO!

End of Part I.

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