Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A Glee spot for the boys? or Bill alone?

If you wish this could be true, then as the Glee stars would have sing,
"Don't stop Believing!" ;)

Well hey hey, we have a new gossip and rumor incoming. What would you do if I say Tokio Hotel will make a guest star appearance on the musical tv series, Glee? ;) Are you glee enough to accept the fact that you will see our lovely German boys of Tokio Hotel or that gorgous boy, Bill Kaulitz alone to make a debut, acting in a high-rated American tv series? or are you just plain unhappy, thinking it wouldn't be such a great idea after all? Hmm..the choice is all to you! I wonder what Tokio Hotel song should the Glee stars do a cover on? Pretty interesting to think of it.

< Translation
On Facebook there are over 500 pages with fans of Tokio Hotel. Fifty of these are Chilean and more power than 10 thousand followers. The phenomenon of teenage punk-pop has a broom in the world and in Chile also has its target audience: those who do not listen to Jonas Brothers and Demi Lovato, although, needless to say, the German quartet has participated in the series 'Glee'. The date is November 28 at a location to be announced.

But for one thing, we couldn't be too sure about this matter though, since it is only be claimed by a copywritten junkie from a newspaper in Chile. Yes, as it is stated that Tokio Hotel or Bill Kaulitz will be featured in one of the episodes of Glee which gonna be aired on the 28th November 2010 via the tv channel in the states, could it be a false rumor? It could but I'm hoping, not. Make it true, please. I'm sure all of us would really LOVE to see Tokio Hotel especially Bill Kaulitz (if you're a BK junkie like me, that is ;p) to do a little act in front of the camera for a show! Yay! Oh well, on the second thought, you'll think twice that maybe they should practice a lot more on their English before they actually got into screen! But if you think their German accent is sexy, then it shouldn't bother you one bit, right? It will be all fine and dandy ;)

I'd say, Bill honey, you got the potential to be a movie star, if you're given a chance, you might as well just take it, don't waste it! Who knows, it will get you close on getting a role in a new vampire movie? Starring Bill Kaulitz as the dangerously sexy vamp ever! You can beat Edward Cullen in no time! All hail to Sexy Vamp BK! *Bows* Although, Caution boy, your sexiness would might have a problem on achieving to the SEXIEST spot when your twin brother, Tom decided to enroll himself in a vampire porn movie. One naked vampire played by Tom would dropped your jaw off as he will be crowned as the most sexiest of all, haha ;p

My previous statements, right above this paragraph is a serious shit stuff, no kidding! You want proof? I show you, proof! (see the video below) We are very aware that Bill is dying to play as a vampire in a movie if he is given the opportunity to do so. But Tom as a vampire? That could be awkward, but still 100% sexy, so who'd give a damn? If he wants to play as a naked vampire, let him play as one! Any objection? I don't think so! Show us some skin, Tom! Wait, let me get that right. Show us all of your skin, Tom! ;p

1 comment:

  1. hell ya i would love to see bill on glee and has a vampire. and i would watch tom be a naked vampire. the kaulitz brothers are SEXY!!
