Monday, July 16, 2012

Gustav, we miss you! ;)

Now now aliens, obviously it wouldn't be fair for the other Tokio Hotel members if we kept posting about the Kaulitz twins for like 24/7! I mean we shouldn't call our blog as Tokio Hotel! Entertainment if we refuse to talk about Georg and Gustav! Like if we really wanted to ditch those two guys, we would do it a long time ago and this blog should be named as the Kaulitz twins Entertainment! BUT! We are not that mean. We love Georg and Gustav as much as we love Tom and Bill. Although, we would like to apologize if we tend to highly focus on the twins more than both G units. Forgive us :)

 And so, today I would like to do a little post about our dearest drummer, Gustav! Since everyone is gushing all over the twins via the btk app (yeah including me, of course! ;p), nearly all of us tend to forgot about the other two in the band. Been wondering what happen to Georg and Gustav in Germany, though. The stardom life of the Kaulitz twins in L.A, somehow is overshadowing our down to earth Tokio Hotel bassist and drummer who been living peacefully in Germany. Well, it's been ages since we've last heard or seen any photos of them. So, when this photo came up in the world wide web, I just had to spread the love by sharing to all of you, aliens! I must say after seeing this recent Gustav photo taken with a fan, it sets a smile on my face knowing that Gustav is still alive! I mean, he's fine and dandy as always! ;)

I just hope Tokio Hotel will be back soon in the music scene once again, I just miss them a lot, as four! Not two but four! They need to be Tokio Hotel not as the Kaulitz twins and the G units! You get what I mean? hee ;D

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