Tuesday, April 8, 2014

MMXIV Studio Teaser

NEWSFLASH: Finally, a teaser! ..but of course, the album is still on its way. What's taking them so long now? ..we wonder too! But oh well my dear aliens, we know the MMM was a bummer! Well hey, look on the bright side, at least the boys have served us with a delicious reeling studio movie! ..of the Kaulitz twins, erk! not Tokio Hotel but the Kaulitz twins as always and also, Pumba now. We don't mind these two beautiful creatures to take over Tokio Hotel or even the world but then again, we miss seeing them in four. Four is a hot number! Indeed, four is blazing hot right now! (if you happen to watch Divergent, you know what we mean) Hence, we wanna see all four of them boys of Tokio Hotel! Come on now, Georg and Gustav, kidnap the cameraman or something, get yourself reeling in the teaser scene too. Okay so, there are actually some progress going on but we're not entirely sure how long will the long expired "Soon" album to be out from the incubation. Good luck, boys! Hope you won't be losing more fans for keeping them to wait til they grow beard like Tom, maybe? Haha ..one thing for sure, keep an eye out on tokiohotel.com every now and then. The blog and gallery would be a perfect distraction, sort of like a sedative for our torturous days of waiting.

Enjoy waiting ..even if it kills! ;)

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