Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Go Jumpsuit!


When Malaysia's Hot, he seems to be Hot too! It's not a surprise to us, the loyal TH fans and to all the BK junkies out there, of course, to see Bill strut in some extraordinary piece of clothing on his skinny torso for an event or so. The unique fashion taste of his is certainly an eye-candy especially if he looks smoking hot like a runway model walking on a runway show. As if he has never been on a runway show before..Ring a bell? D'Squared took him as the chosen model for their rocking 'black angel' designed attire, for the closing chapter of their fashion show a few months ago during fashion week. "Ding Dong!" Hope you guys still remember that! ;)

Well hey, I'm here to get you to Bill's latest fashion, now. Mtv World Stage press conference was the event and suprisingly, a dirty-greyed jumpsuit is worn by that one sexy rockstar! Jumpsuit? I never thought it would look good on anyone especially if you're going for a formal event with it! But trust me, when Bill's wearing the Jumpsuit, eventhough the colour seems to be pretty ugly, alongside with heavy metal-like chains on his neck, a pair of high 'almost knee-length' boots and locked with his usual vampire inspired look, smokey eyes, new edgy piercings and that sexy haircut which made him look like a model that just came back from his photoshoot for a fashion magazine, let's shout for his victory, Bill Kaulitz totally pulled it off! Fashionably approved! Yes, we approve with this kind of fashion style that he had put on and voila! turned him into some kind of a sexy thrashy rockstar!

I know some of you would think he was mad enough to have worn that kind attire, I mean he's not jumping off the plane to do a parachute, he's going for a press conference for God's sake! But hey, all I can say that Bill is daring when it comes to fashion. He's a hottie alien, different from all of you which makes him so unique! Criticize him all you want, here's a thing, you're not gonna get anything from that while Bill got all attention and he might just be a trendsetter! A young fashion icon won't hurt! In fact, suits him pretty well! Cheers for Bill to have managed to strut sexily in that plain boring Jumpsuit! ;D

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