Sunday, September 12, 2010

Countdown A1: Comic Script on Reel!

Can't get enough of the German born, Audi & Kaulitz Twins? Well, let me serve you a little desert for today's menu. This may requires you, a knowledge skill on their mother tongue language, though. Richtig, it is served in a fully German topping! Too bad for those who practically has a low-IQ in this foreign language, yeah and no worries, that includes us too! ;) I'll put up the translation once I got them, aite. In the meantime, just pretend you understand the words and just enjoy reading the comic! Haha ;p A big thank you to the person who made these videos, danke! For one thing, we don't have to flip one after another page to read, we just have to watch and wait for the comic script to appear as it is on reel!

Say hello to the futuristic world, my fellow humanoids! ;)

As the matter of fact, Audi A1 eMag has conducted Der A1-Comic-Wettbewerb!, a competition for to those who are interested on letting the Kaulitz Twins admiring your personal creative work of comic script! All you have to do is continue with storyline of the Part II of the comic, as simple as that. Viel Glück und Alles Gute, Leute!

You can check out the Audi A1 eMag, here!

Intro - Part I

Part II

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