Monday, July 4, 2011

Playing dressup in Tokyo with Bill ;)

When you put a German doll for a few days stay at the famous fashion capital city, Tokyo, no doubt you would want that doll to be all dressed up in a unique fashion couture. Although, a visual-kei inspired is the most common style adorned by the youth all over the world who take anime seriously as an interest, well we'll just have to make an exception for Bill Kaulitz. He isn't a fan of the popular Japanese youth culture but his look would definitely make you think twice when he tells you a lie that he actually got influenced by the visual-kei scene! So, it's not surprising to see our Billy flaunted his best to stand out from the rest carrying his own way of styling since daring is his middle name when it comes to walking down the aisle of the fashion avenue. And yet again, this time around, Tokyo was the chosen city!

Let's focus on the red carpet event recently when Tokio was in Tokyo again. For two days straight, as usual Bill stole the limelight as he barged in with his famous gorgeous looking face with heavy face piercings while putting his ninja look into action at the Audi event and for the VMAJ, behold to the futuristic Darth Vader Bill!

Yes yes, since he was in Japan, I couldn't deny the fact that Bill was actually trying to fit in with Japanese youth culture. It is sorta like a 'Cosplay'! Yeap, like usually the youngsters would dress as their favourite anime characters but Bill is clever, he ain't gonna dress up exactly as a certain character he loves, he just took a little pinch of inspiration look and combined it with his fashion gear, voila! Bill Kaulitz's fashion couture was created. I'd say this ninja inspired scores quite a high point for him. Simple as it is and all you need is the colour, black. The shade of black will always look colourful whenever Bill puts it on, he doesn't need anymore colours when he has black all over ;p

But maybe black isn't really at its best on him, at certain times. Okay, maybe some material was just not right for Bill. For this black piece of clothing, you may even mistaken him with Gaga.
OMG, calling the Haus of Gaga, we have a new apprentice of Gaga to recruit! Those heel boots are like the main sign to tell you that Bill is in the Gaga invasion. Well, this assembled style is too much for Bill, I must say. It is fashiontastic but I'd rather see him wearing something that isn't Gaga-ish, let's put it in for a more rocking image! He totally looks like Darth Vader here, all in black and the attire made him look as though as he was having a hard time to even walk like it was too heavy on his body or something, haha!

And oh oh, don't get me to comment on his stage outfit now, I guess Bill used to dream of becoming a pimp daddy, someday. Yeah, with that big faux pas fur coat hung on his shoulder, his dream has surely came true! And I hate to say this, Bill, can you loosen your pants because nowadays it seemed to be so in touch with your skin?! First it was leopard-skin and now, spider webbie? It is totally okay with just the plain ones but heavy patterns? For me, it's a No-No for the famous German rockstar around! But I don't know, maybe some of you may fancy him wearing 'em. But my advice, Billy honey, please do avoid the leggings at any chance you can get, pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee...hehe ;p

p/s: How come Tom looks sexy as hell, nowadays? Not fair! ;p

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