Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Watch DSDS!

First off, by any chance if some of the aliens are still wondering what is actually DSDS? Well, let me just give you the answer to that. DSDS stands for Deutschland sucht den Superstar, a reality show where Germany seeks for new talent in singing. Easy to say, it's the German version of American Idol. Yeah, now that the Kaulitz twins are seated in the line of the jury panels else then, Mateo and the classic 'Simon Cowell' of Germany, Dieter Bohlen, the show surprisingly became twice mainstream than it has ever been. Talk about a lot of alien crashers on the rtl livestream sites, yikes! Who cares if it's on air and we, the aliens residing outside the European borders with zero rtl channel on the tv cable, just wouldn't give a damn to watch it via the internet livestream! Am I right, no? Even if it's in the middle of the night or early morning due to time differences. Things we do for love, huh? ;) I mean, come now ..who wouldn't wanna miss to see half of the Tokio Hotel pack flaunt their own ways of judging on who sings bad and who sings good? So far, I can see that Bill and Tom were doing great with the judging, very professional indeed. Kudos for them! It surprised me though to see Tom is most likely to be the one who threw more comments rather than the all-of-the-sudden timid, Bill ;O Well, 3 episodes are down, there's a lot more to go! So, you're never too late to miss the show. If all the medias out there were not convincing enough for you guys to watch, I'm here to make you wish you would want to watch the show every time it is on air livestream! I'm working my magic fingers on this keyboard, hope it works! ;p

Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Watch DSDS!

5. MEAN Boys! 
This is the one show that you would definitely see the dark side of the Kaulitz twins! Not to say they are really mean in a disrespectful way of giving their comments, well they are just being honest and professional. Calm down now, aliens..there's no reason for you to be all sad and mad saying that they are arrogant and rude, they are just doing their job as part of the DSDS team *wink wink* ;)

4. Funny Acts spelled LOL.
Well aside from being mean, unexpected funny acts are being served too which can make you say, AWW?All hail to the cuteness of the Kaulitz twins! ;)

3. Kaulitz Twins' Priceless Laughters! 
When there's Kaulitz twins, there should definitely be a twin moment caught in between the show! And when they threw that adorable laughing sound, surely we would all be happy to laugh together with them! ;D Let's face it, nothing sounds more beautiful and exciting to our ears by hearing the sound of these two german rockers' laughter! 

2. Bill's Unique Fashion Style 
Yeah, this fashionisto wouldn't just give anybody else in the judging panels a chance to shine when it comes to fashion! He is in fact the fashion expert among the juries. So, why bother the fact that he would surely stand out among the rest? Obviously, he would be the one who pulled it off well with a unique sense of fashion that would caught your attention in a blink of an eye! For those who worship fashion, it's totally an eye-catcher for you guys to watch Bill in DSDS as he managed to strut in different style in every different audition venues. 

And the #No.1 reason has got to be this;


1. Epic Face Expression that can be made popular in Tumblr! 
 From derp face to #likeaboss to anything that could relate back to the Tumblr world! Obviously, by now you would totally agree with me on this! since the boys' EPIC face expression on DSDS are now spreading on tumblr like a deadly virus! Yes, no kidding! especially that many face expressions made by Bill, it just cracks the hell out of me! and I'm sure, you too! ;D 

Now, whoever said that DSDS could be darn boring hasn't seen the best out of it yet! So, whatcha waiting for? Find the link and watch it now! But to those who has been following the show, I'm sure you guys would just have to approve my top 5 reasons listed above! Cheers ;)

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