Thursday, February 7, 2013

Amaze us, Edward Scissorhands! ;)

Now, who says only the Kaulitz twins are allowed to change their hairstyles for the upcoming new album? I mean, if it takes one haircut that would make the whole galaxy of aliens in the TH fandom to have a massive havoc over it, then Georg would surely wanna give it a shot! Let him steal the limelight for now. In fact, let him steal it all! I hope Bill and Tom doesn't mind of having a little break from our world of fangirling madness for a while, though! Give Georg a chance ;p

"Georg Listing just met with Edward Scissorhands and it turned out great!"

I'm pretty sure most of us were suffocating at first glance of seeing what the official Tokio Hotel account has revealed as their picture of the day! Yes, I know we would all be missing that lovely silky straight hair of this German hobbit ever so much with his hair flipping 'bitch,i'm-so-fabulous' act but oh well, when it's time for a change, let's just cross our fingers and hope for the best. Bill once did a huge transition of letting go his signature mane hair and not to forget, the black jet dye! The result, like whoa! one sexy blondie ready to trigger the sexy siren! So yeah. I wonder how will the new Georg would look like. They did say " turned out great!", so as about we'll just have to trust them. Hey, who knows Georg's new haircut would make him look ten times hotter than the rest of the boys? You'll never know, it might just surprise you! Georg, our sexy siren is all prepared for you, just come out and shine whenever you're ready! ;)

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