Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Expect the Unexpected! ;)

For the 4th time in a row ..here we are, still standing strong! Make yourself proud, Aliens for our recent victory on winning the best fan army ever! Wuhuu! Congratulations! And with that, don't put us on the waiting line anymore, Tokio Hotel! You guys gotta give us a little something for what we deserve! two words, new album! As Bill has promised us, there would be a new music, soon! SOON. You've been using that word a lot of times already and trust me, the Aliens are getting sick of hearing it over and over again because alas, that 'SOON' would turned into years! haha ;p Soon, Monsoon, hey it rhymes! Soon would be a good title for your new single, ahah! XD Better work your sexy asses off, boys! We want that soon to be really meant as soon!

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But whatever happens, the wait continues. Nevermind just let them do their work, they're creating something magically, extraterrestrial! and i bet it's worth the wait! and are you sure you're ready to see them back in action? I know I'm not! Easy to say, they are actually giving us some time to prepare ourselves for the newly improved Tokio Hotel! So, make a good use of the time with your fangirling preparation! ;) Now while we're expecting their new baby to come out, I'm putting some notes of what we should expect on their new album production. Aside from selling gazillion numbers of album and sold out concert tickets, I'm hoping Tokio Hotel would make a big comeback with a lot of surprises! But hey, my expectation weighs more on the lead singer, he is in fact the frontman, the band's focal point, So here's what I wanna see from him!

#1. Bill with a new crazy sexy hairdo!
I know some of you guys are pretty much happy with his current lion mane hair! But I don't think Bill would be keeping it for a long time. You gotta believe me though when I say he would look sexy anyway even with an ugly hair! Opps, did I just say, ugly? Teehee, I'm not really fond of his blondie long hairdo! What I'm expecting to see is Bill rocking out with a new haircut and hair dye for the new album! This might happen as you know Bill follows the trend or was it the trend follows Bill!?

#2. Bill playing Guitar or Piano
This is definitely the most expected miracle thing that I'm dying to see it happen! And yes the chance is there for Tom has revealed that there's gonna be a work of music art created between Bill and a secret musical instrument for the new album. Just imagine, Bill is singing while playing a guitar or piano, a beautiful voice serenading you while a beautiful melody is being strummed or played with his tattooed hand. Uber sexay! Plus, he needs a new bedazzled musical gear, yeah the old crystal carat mic needs a companion! it's lonely like you, Bill, lol. Well, i'd say the rock God should have an electric guitar! ;)

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#3. Bill kissing a girl in a Music Video
Just to spice things up, hire a beautiful model and let Bill's lips do the magic for once in a while instead of letting the robots do the steamy romance scene, HAHA! By far I think this is the most impossible thing to expect from Tokio Hotel for like ever! and some of you would definitely not agree with me on this! You'd die to see Bill kissing another girl else than you, right? I'm a Bill fan and I know how it would make you feel like. But let's just say I'm desiring to have a heart attack just because of it! ;p Okay, if  that's too much, perhaps a real good video would do, yes no more of concert or backstage footage, pretty please! :D

Those are my expectation specifically on Bill for the new album but hey they say, "good things happen when you least expected it." Maybe I shouldn't expect this and that at the first place and just be surprised with what the boys are gonna serve us up this time around? ;)

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