Thursday, April 24, 2014

Tokio Hotel Instagramania!

Fret not, my fellow Aliens! If you've been missing a lot from our blog, let's just say the boys have pretty occupied themselves in the daily updates department! Honestly, we couldn't really keep up with their non-stop blog posts, twitter thoughts, facebook minds and Instagramania! They roamed all over the net for like in every single day! I wonder how other fanpages managed to keep up with that craziness of overloaded updates! It's insane! wait's nuts! Just how Bill would say. Perhaps, our blog wouldn't be any of a good use anymore? Appreciate to those who are still visiting us and read our posts over and over again, danke! Unfortunately, the updates kept coming in, we don't expect ourselves to overanalyze in everything they do! No deny, we've been busy too with life while Tokio Hotel seemed to be busying themselves with the "soon"-to-be-out album, they promised us this year, so THIS YEAR it is about we resonate that statement in our head for like the gazillion-th time just to assure ourselves that they ain't trolling with us again! okay they've been busy or so they said? Of course, the busyness has got to have a mini vacay and coachella festival in between, hee :D I'd say let them have their free days as about now, yeap! ..let Bill spend a lot of time with nature and even with his bed, also getting on with the Pumba show! Well at least, they are finally coming to a term of sharing their daily activities with all of you, (thought they would only set up one IG account like an official Tokio Hotel IG, turns out, personal accounts included, yays!) so cherish the moment whenever they pops out in your timeline if you please! Not a follower yet? Relax, only Bill and Georg are actively posting at the moment. So just log in to your IG, tap follow and behold the lives of our favourite rockstars will be reeling on your phone screen (hastags included), get your fingers ready to click the love button ..the best thing is it's free! Yes, bye bye BTK app and hello IG! ♥  

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