Sunday, September 2, 2012

Tom's Ariel ;)

Now ladies, don't be all upset when I decided to do this one post out. Yes, it's gonna be about the infamous Tom Kaulitz's girlfriend, Ria Sommerfield. I mean, come on now since Tom has already let the cat out of the bag on his relationship status with this lucky lady, I'd say Ria deserves a little attention to have a little story review from the TH!E team ;)

Obviously, some of the Tom fans out there would just wanted to kill Ria for being his girlfriend. Hold on with that extreme thought now, my dearies. Aside from being a superstar, Tom is simply a human just like us who craves for love at any given time or place, am I right, no? Give her a break, don't throw your hatred on Ria for she has done nothing to you except for stealing your favourite sexy Tom's heart away, I know. But hey, isn't Tom's happiness matters the most for every single one of his fans? Indeed. ;)

Somehow, Tom's acts on leaving Ria at the Bootsy Bellows Night Club on the twins' birthday night (i think this club is their fav. night life spot! ;p) is kinda shocking?! ;O Have you guys seen the video, yet? Ria looked  rather upset and mad. Who wouldn't be, huh? If I was Ria, I would be damn mad at Tom right when I got home by myself, no thanks to him. Although, we can't really predict the real story behind his strange 'forget-about-the-girlfriend' behavior now, can't we? Plus, for the Kaulitz twins, to be chased by the paparazzi is like a nightmare in their everyday life! Somehow, people running about in LA with big dslr cameras scared the shit out of them! So, if that's the cause, I would totally understand why Tom accidentally left Ria. But then again, how could your own boyfriend do that to you? Hahaha...okay enough said. I should leave that chaotic drama for Tom and Ria to solve on their own ;) Btw, I'm digging Ria's new shade of hair! It's RED! Really suits her with her exotic face, I give her an extra beauty point for that! #justsaying And so, Tom has got himself a photocopy of Ariel from the little mermaid! Ouuu nice ;D

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