Sunday, December 23, 2012

Body Rock!

Yuhuu, can I steal your attention for a bit? Trust me, it's worth it. Just LOOK BELOW and promise me to BREATHE! yes, just BREATHE SLOWLY..


Like WHOA! can you feel every ovaries inside of you explodes now?! If you don't hyperventilating over that, you must be joking the hell out of me! Come on now, who could ever live to see sexy BK in the gym?! Trust me, I would DIE ..but in a big smile! :D Because he'd surely take you to heaven for a split second there. My advice, just try to control yourself if the devil speaks in your ear though, it could be a dangerous and deadly whisper. "What a f***in' sexy beast!? What are you waiting for? Go and RAPE him hard!" Nice one, little devil ;p It's better to just see stars while you're passing out than turning yourself into a succubus who hungers for lust, right? Haha ;p

Just trying to cheer your Sunday weekend here, so hope it works! But hold on now, my alien dollies. This is just a MANIP pic of our sexy Billi! Thought of sharing with you guys since this site is way outdated! All thanks to our busy-ness in handling life, sigh. A little reminder for all of you, TH! Entertainment won't shut down, we are just on PAUSE. Sorry dearies, we'll make sure we'll get back to our writing world and continue serving you some delicious reviews of ours, yums! In the meantime, enjoy the treat above. Cheers to the person who made the manip look so real! And hey, Merry Christmas in advance to those who are celebrating ;)

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