Tuesday, October 1, 2013

October Rush for Tokio Hotel?

It's nearing to the end of the year and so, the speculation is running wild; are we really gonna believe that Tokio Hotel will eventually come out with an album before the year 2013 ends? ;O 

A lot of the Aliens has been quite patient, but some of them may have pulled up a white flag towards the band's slow progress of delivering a new album. 4 years in the making, *fingers crossed* helplessly hoping the band would put up something bizarre to woo us like they did last time with Humanoid. Despite of working their butt off with the new album, the twins somehow made the fandom think twice of putting a high expectation on getting served with a new album, 'SOON'! As Bill Kaulitz himself has promised, Tokio Hotel will make a comeback this year! Although, how can you possibly believe in that when 'this year' is about to be 'last year', soon?! Yes, when I meant by soon, it's not their infamous 'soon'-of-not-so-soon quote! Guess that their fab L.A life has eaten them whole and slyly hypnotizing them to leave the music world behind. No doubt, the fashion industry is calling out their names so often (considering that they have befriended with a clique of fashion entrepreneurs) that they might just venture into it, maybe in the future? Hopefully not soon.

However, a bunch of loyal Aliens has been keeping Tokio Hotel's name and pride, alive! with getting them to win an award for various nominations.Whether it's a threat for the boys to give something in return for their good deeds or the Aliens are just that awesome for making the band looked alive when they're actually dead at the moment, well certainly Tokio Hotel need to get back in action, fast! to prove that the long wait is considered as worth it! 

Tokio Hotel hasn't released an album since 2009 yet they keep winning awards. 
Germany's Tokio Hotel may have the most loyal fans in the world. The band currently sits atop MTV's EMA Biggest Fan contest having starting in first place never leaving. The list is no slouch with the Top 5 from 15 making the final cut including Justin Bieber, One Direction, Lady Gaga and 30 Seconds To Mars. What makes this even more extraordinary is the band hasn't released a new studio album since 2009 and they haven't been touring regularly for the last 2 years. 

Source: MTV News, Sep 30, 2013

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