Tuesday, August 3, 2010

What's there, dangling on Bill's nose?

By now, you have seen that tiny ring hanging under his nose when he made an appearance on Mtv TRL Italia. Now, wouldn't you just wanna pull that ring every time he got all too excited which annoys you to the max and naughty like you just wanna give a spank on his butt? Now now, don't treat him as if he's some kind of a bull. If he happens to be one, he would make a really sexy glamtastic bull indeed! Okay let's get to the point, shall we? Bill Kaulitz has a new septum piercing! *applause*

It's all new and fresh! What makes me wonder is, has Bill gone to be more manly? With that one piercing, it shows a good proof to everyone that he ain't gonna look gorgeous like a doll all the time, more edgier and rough look was created on his porcelain skinned face. Perhaps, he was just trying to look more daring so that people could differ him and Adam Lambert, yikes! And not just that, he also added a few holes on both of his ears. One versus four on each side.

In the recent Mtv Asia Interview, Bill spilled out a little story behind his new piercings.

Bill, you’ve recently got yourself some new piercings-including a septum one that is slightly more unusual. Was it planned or something done on impulse?

Bill: No, it’s always really spontaneous. I was sitting in the car and I had this idea and I said ok, I wanna do it. The great thing about piercings is that you can pull it out any time so that’s really great. But I’m really into piercings and tattoos and stuff like that so I already planned some new tattoos I wanna have. When you do this, it hurts so bad, and you say ok, I never want to do this again, but when everything is fine and you’re feeling good again then you go directly to the next piercer and it’s a cycle.

So, it was spontaneous! Thank God, you turned out to be spontaneously Hot with those piercings! I know some of you might not agree of him having that septum piercing especially but hey, no matter how he change his look, he would still be the same old Bill Kaulitz you knew!

Bill: I’m kinda addicted to stuff like that.
See, he's addicted to it, so you can't blame him if he wants more and more until he cover up his whole face and body, wait! let's hope not!

So is there any part of your body that you will never pierce?

Bill: Yes, my “downstairs” area. (gestures to lower body) (everyone chuckles)

How cute, downstairs? Haha..And are you sure you wouldn't your thing down there to be pierced, Bill? Because the last time I heard your nipple is being pierced and that didn't make any trouble to you at all! ;p

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