Grab it in your nearest bookstore or 7-Eleven, now! ;D

The Malaysia Media has yet given more TH surprise to the Malaysian fans! This time around a magazine called 'KLIK' put up a rocking cover of Tokio Hotel entitled "Tokio Hotel, Teenage Rock Icon!" on their latest November issue.

If you don't know this, let me story to you a little. KLIK, a local magazine of ours has been supporting TH since the early of 2007 as they were the very first to digged and found the gems out of this übertastic German Glam Rock Band, Tokio Hotel and they have made some of us open our eyes wide to an introduction of the band's rocking website, even though it wasn't really as rocking as it is now. Yeah, the 'Scream' album era as how I would say. With that great old piece of review written in 'Bahasa Malaysia', our very own, as Bill would love to say, 'Mother tongue' ;p Malaysian language, KLIK has clearly done a job well done on promoting the boys here. Told ya, they've been a huge support of Tokio Hotel!
So, let's carve a huge heartshape to KLIK for making us, the Malaysian fans to have something to smile about throughout the month of November as when we enter the bookstore just to see our very own local magazine has a cover issue of beautiful creatures that goes in a band namely Tokio Hotel!
soooooooo gonna get this! :D