As attached above, a cover of the 'Best Of' album has been released a while a ago all over the internet. Hang on to your state of belief, it may have a simple black and white coverart of the '㋖' official TH symbol/logo with a splashes of Black Ink splattered a little here and there, but hey it's pretty enough for merely an additional album from the band ;) Although, that one and only tiny shot of the boys that I found lingering around on every fansite out there is possibly true! I mean, how come we've never seen it before? Although, I'm still waiting for the infos and a much bigger size, so as a few of other shots (I'm pretty sure there are tons more being produced, not only that one) to be out, so that I could work my magic on making one special sexalicious review to be served on our blog and for your reading pleasure, my lovelies ;D
Picture this: Black inked on a glossy paper or nevertheless, when the megapixels combined one to another only to produce an image of the newly shot of four gorgeous alien boys from the Humanoid City in the shades of black and white, meant for the hottest promo of the 'Best Of' album.

Don't you just feel like you wanna bite them off, bits by bits? ;p
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