Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Double Trouble

Looks like the sun found it’s perfect preys to hit them sunrays on, would you look at these two. How can you not get enough of them? Chilling out in the sun at a café of their choice. Looking these good they need to be imprisoned, girls might go wild for them and forget about them candy canes when you have these two. These two uploaded the photo on their infamous BTK app, a year back but why bother about the date when you want to showcase how amazing they look. Aviator shades, to cover up those hypnotic eyes and perfect tops to cover up those solid bodies; things can never go wrong for these duo. It might be just a photo, but a photo plays out many different scenarios, varies according to your imagination dear aliens. You could feel as if your chilling out with your brothers, friends, or most common thought would be your lovers. 

No limitations when it comes to your mind. Just think of it as your man waiting for you to finish your mall crawling session, while they chill at the café and you swipe off their credit cards away. Well, aliens this is just one scenario, you too can make up more of your own from your beautiful mind. As for me, I would just say I'm waiting for a perfect time to ask for an autograph and a photo, as I am a fan of the art they make, art of music. A fan does not require you to shriek around, gawking, it just means you favour them. You treat them, like a  human being, you compliment them, you give them a simple smile, don't ever freak them out with, "oh my god that's Tom Kaulitz and Bill Kaulitz."And if they do smile back, it's your lucky day. Who knows, they would even approach you. Dreams are your one way ticket to the reality you seek for. 

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