Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Spoiler for TH Humanoid City Live dvd!

The term "Humanoid" refers to any being whose body structure resembles that of a human. In this sense, the term indeed describes primates, as well as mythological creatures and artificial organisms (robots), especially in the context of science fiction and fantasy fiction.

CAUTION! Not for the faint hearted!
Welcome to the Humanoid City! as how Bill would screamed his lungs out to all the concert druggies who were present at the most exciting event for him and his bandmates, just to highly invited them to a whole new rock show packed with an extraordinary stage settings, glam rocking attire and a 'bling-bling' custom made mic, after all it was all meant to leave a big impact to each and everyone of you whether you're at the actual concert or in front of the tv screen, you will sure have an epic experience of a Megatastic TH live showdown held in Milan! Here's a little scoop on the new dvd produced by our aliens if you haven't got the chance to see it yet ;)

Warning! This is a spoiler!

Here comes the opening! The stage is dimmed with only few spotlights that might get your eyes straight to have a view of a huge egg-cell like mechanism or maybe a spaceship? precisely located at the center of the wide-spaced stage. Crowds started to scream more due to an overjoyed feeling as they heard a sound of a certain noise coming right from the speakers, a robotic sound produced, a clear phrase of "Tokio Hotel" was spoken out and a music was being played, alike to a Japanese flute. Later, the flute came with an electricfying guitar strums created by one lost hip-hop rocker who was already up on stage rocking hard on his favourite lady, a guitar I mean. An utterly handsome rocker with a perfect straight hair came to join him with a bass playing act. As the music played along, it came to the part where the singer should enter his voice to it. He suprised the crowd when the egg-cell cracked open only to reveal the other two members of the band. A drummer on the high podium, banging hard on the drums and then he, the frontman came out like a catwalking model slash rocker with a black shades covering his smokey eyes and dressed in a designed glittering suit, wait a minute, is he potraying an image of Hades? It almost look like it. But hey, he looks smoking hot! And I bet the suit weigh tons more than his usual body weight. The aliens have landed! Tom, Georg & Gustav rocked the first song out while Bill was singing "Make some noise!" And that's what everyone did!

2nd song, still had an energetic atmosphere going on. Off with the shades and zipped down suit, Bill was ready to give his next shot. Sexy beat came to the picture, that means sexy song just for the viewers! "Human connect to human, Boys meet Girls know what to do, Human connect to human, How can I connect to you?" As sexy as it could be, that sexy rocker himself flaunt his best to strut sexily with his wild moves on stage. Not to forget, a sexy face expression also been showed off alongside with that sexy voice of his, making you high in the music-tria of Tokio Hotel and the lyrics sunken deep inside of you as Bill was inviting to get connected to you! The music continued with the next song like there was no skipping beat, direct to the power rocking guitar sounds of 'Break Away'. By now, Tom must have been a pro on playing the old tracks from their 'Scream' album. Bill moves here and there, it seems so freely and easy for him without carrying that heavy suit on his shoulder. An introduction of the concert tour by Bill was cut short and simple, led them to continue playing more awesome music. The organ was in cue to be played right after by Tom & Georg which only give us a clue to the next song. 'Pain of Love', the hardest pain of all but don't worry the boys are here to celebrate it together. As the song almost reached to its hardcore end, Tom & Georg doubled up, playing as a team with their string-plucked instruments. It gets more rocking when Georg left Tom with his guitar solo only to waste the time as Bill had the quick pleasure of changing a new attire.

Later, on the screen, graphic images of a wall, Berlin wall mostly shown, as the song about to be played is dedicated to the historic Berlin wall found in their homeland. Whispering, suffering voice recording of Bill's saying like he was in pain "Too many lights, Too much pain, Too many tears, Too much lost, Too many walls.." and the piano sound played softly to create an emotional rhythm as apposed to the song itself, 'World Behind my Wall', which triggered the soul of every presence there. Some were touched by the song. A beautiful song as it represent the life of a rockstar who desire to have a normal life for once in his fame life. As it ends, Bill was all set to sing the lines of the upcoming after song, with a new spiky suit worn by him which made him look like some kind of a dangerous reptilia that can be found deep in the forest or again, shall I compare him to an evil human-eating alien, ready to attack the Earth? Yes, I can! ;p Drumbeats that got your head banging, your hands clapping and your feet thundering on the floor, 'Hey you' is one of their songs you should be rocking out with! The song may remind us of "We will, We will, Rock you" but hey, certainly Tokio Hotel will rock you better with 'Hey you!'

They even let the fire turned up on stage! Tom shouted "Louder!" with his deep macho voice and that's when the crowd has gone more rocking insane! 'Alien' and another old track from 'Scream' entitled 'Ready, Set, Go' were the next sugar rush of the show! The stage shut down as they went backstage for a take five. Montage on screen showing off a slideshow of their lives from the very begining of Devilish at the tender age of merely 9, playing with the effects, fading in and out from their childhood scenes to the present while the background music was none other than 'World Behind My World' instrumental, suits a lot with the trapped in stardom reality life surrounded them.

The colors ran out, black & white resolution was seen by our naked eye on the tv screen, yes this is not the time for you to be panic, having an assumption that the dvd disk is scratched or so, resulting in the colour technical difficulty. Oh no, it's just a special feature for us, the viewers when the acoustic session was ready to be served. 'Humanoid' acoustic version in German was the intro, creating a unique taste of the song itself, completely different from the original tune. A thank you speech was said and given as Tom started off, 'Phantomrider' with its guitar melody. Beautiful song sung beautifully by Bill, this time with a new jacket again. The session closed and they disappeared from the stage.

A pack of dogs growling and barking as if some wild dogs were set free in the arena immerged to the sound system. And as it goes on, a techno-like music was heard and out comes Bill from the stage down under on his Humanoid motorbike, all glam up with a rockstar aviator on and new flickering suit that seems to be glow in the dark with its luminous lights,'creatively designed by Dean & Dan of DSquared2, he was ready to be unleashed! "Dogs Unleashed!' 'Love and Death' suprisingly was chosen as one of the tracks they have performed for the tour. It gets to the slow part again as 'In your Shadow' a song written by Bill just for Tom was sung to the crowd in honoured to have a special person by your side always, a person that you simply couldn't live without.

The show went more lively when their first single from 'Humanoid' album was being played! Bet Bill was happy indeed to have the fans singing along to 'Automatic' which comes with Tom's amazing guitar tuning, the song automatically caught everyone ecstatically excited! Then, off goes Tom to his organ again and 'Screamin' would be next in line. Another sexy song but truthfully I find that this song doesn't really suit as being sang live by Bill. Too much electronic sound won't do any good with the livestream but the crowd seemed to be enjoying it, jumping up and down! For one thing, I guess they love to play 'Screamin' live because right in the middle of the song verse, they would connect a linkage to their song, 'Monsoon', fit perfectly there, I must say. Kudos on that, you aliens!

The heat went on with the 'Dark side of the Sun', Bill claimed it to be as the last song for the show but clearly not. Great beats with wicked lyrics, this 3rd single from them surely put their fans on a hot zone, rocking with their best rock attitude! It ended with a high-air drum beats by Gustav together with a fire explosion, leaving you wow-ed! The lights were off again and a melodramatic piano tune, soothingly played, as Tom was gliding his fingers on the keyboard. Bill sat opposite of him, with only a mic as his stage accessory while he was donning another different attire, a simple rockish baby blue jeans vest which totally passed the fashion police! The crowd went emotional as the scene they have created is beautifully dark with the spirit of melancholy, 'Zoom into Me'. Tears being shed and an applause was given to the brotherly love twins. This is officially the very touching part of the dvd. To top it off, a flame of fire burst out on the roof of the piano as the song almost reached to its end.

Okay, I'm sure every band wouldn't skip on singing the very first single released that got them into a huge success in the music industry, a starting point for them to become famous rockstars with having fans all around the globe. 'Monsoon', a powerful lovesong with a melodic beat that got you to sing-a-long with Bill. It brought back the old memories to the band, as the song filled with lots of meaning within it. And it is surely noted as that one song from them which they should be thankful to, a lucky charm that got them to where they are standing now. With that, they marked as the very last song of the show but not until they surprised us with the actual last song, 'Forever Now'. Bill showed up for the last time in another designed suit, robotic white like he just got out from a cell with cut-off wires sorta like a Star Wars trooper lookalike, and hey don't blame him, the frontman always is an attention seeker, the shining star in the limelight ;) The Humanoid city tour ended with sparkling paper crepe blasting all over the stage with the three aliens rocked out for the last time, together on the front part of the stage, shouting their thank yous to the crowd, throwing towels, water bottles, guitar picks and followed by Gustav with his drumsticks. As Gustav walked off the stage as the last person to leave the show, the egg-cell closed, the lights were off and the video reel took us to the credits with an amazing robotic remix of 'Darkside of the Sun'.

Back to the Main Menu of the Dvd, you can catch a bonus feature of TH tv, 'the making of Humanoid City Live' which take you to the preview of how the Humanoid City stage is constructed, the clothes were designed and little look of behind the scene with the Tokio Hotel boys. And not to forget, the exclusive photo gallery just for your eye candy ;)

To sum it all up, this new dvd from TH is a thriller entertainment! Simply captivating! You should totally buy one in stores and play it with a high volume on your HD tv and simply enjoy the rocking pleasure that will leave you in a state of addiction! Trust me, once you've watch it, you'll be eager to watch it again and again! Duh, it's Tokio Hotel we're talking about here! ;p

Enough said,
Tokio Hotel rocks!

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