But the question I am about to pull out may be raining in your mind as well as being one of his fans, I’m pretty sure we are dying to know who is he in love with and by any circumstances at all, I bet all of you had been or is still dreaming to be that special one of his who will be treated well with sweet passionate kisses and intimate loveable hugs with hands locked to each other’s and of course, dress with an icing top of a beautiful German phrase, “Ich Liebe Dich” to be whispered softly in your ears by the one and only BK. How you wish you could be in that person’s shoe, huh? A dream will always be a dream, unless your fate is to be with him.
BK’s love? Let’s try and crack the mystery out of it. As you know, he did say in every interview that he’s way too out of love. He’s been lonely for quite a very long time, or was it just a line to cover his privacy love life because you know how TH fans would be if he tells the world that he’s lovesick. Mad, I tell you! For some of the psychotic fans who couldn’t accept the fact that one day, Bill will lead to a happy life with a very special person aside from his twin brother, Tom, they need to get over with the dreams, and snap back to reality! For one thing, killing yourself still won’t get you to Bill. Better off, to just accept everything that falls upon your favourite rockstar even though it could be a heartbreaking case to you.
I find that it’s not unbelievable news at all if Bill was actually in love all this while. Yes, he may have kept it hidden as a secret but obviously you can’t blame him right. He wants to keep it private, so be it. Basically, Bill is a typical human being, he craves for love as like anyone would do. And note that every singer tends to express their love through the art of songwriting. Have you ever have look or go through the songs which written by Bill himself? Love contents? Checked! Even if it’s all concerning on the matter of the unreachable love he had to strive for, but still, it counts. There you go, one proof to show you that he was never alone when there’s always a particular someone to be his inspirational muse for the beautiful lines of love songs he created. I mean every song writer writes his music based on experiences, then why can’t we say that Bill is one of them, now? Truth to be told lovelies, we are all in denial if Bill was ever in love with a special girl because of the jealousy ignites within our hearts.
When Bill’s in love, it doesn’t really shoot a nerve-wrecking sense to us unless his partner isn’t an opposite sex of his, Yikes! Some people may bring out an issue saying that Bill will only be in love with a dude, judging by the way he looks, that gorgeous androgynous face of his simply make us think he’s actually a girl and I know he has a lot of feminine side as he would always proudly show it off and not to mention he’s high admiration towards fashion couture has labelled him to be a fashionisto and of course there’s no other word than gay is best to describe one. That situation has put him in a caution state of his very own sexual orientation. Homosexual or even a bisexual guy, either both, I’m not saying he is one but he could be one, though. But we can’t judge the book by its cover now. Can’t we? To be honest, if Bill was actually caught seeing to be dating with a girl, I’d say we should love him even more since he stays on being the true nature of him! A man ;)
Anyway, you can crush those disturbing thoughts because there's been a rumor circulating around of that one alien boy of Tokio Hotel who caught to be dating with an unknown lucky European girl, at this current moment. Not just that, he was also said to be involved in a relationship with two girls in total during the years between 2008 and 2009. Right now, Bill is dating a 21 year old Russian girl for about 7 months already, I don’t know how far this rumor could be a real deal or not. The real truth to this needed to be cleared by Bill Kaulitz himself. As another rumor emerged saying that Bill is gonna announce his relationship status right after EMA this year which will about to come soon. We will just have to wait and see if he’s actually ready to tell it out, making the world drown in heavy tears and so as breaking million of girls’ hearts with a sentence that goes on like this “Ich bin nicht mehr Single, ich bin ziemlich viel in der Liebe jetzt” . Yes, he’s no longer single and he’s pretty much in love, now.
Hmm..What say you?
" Bill is currently dating with a Russian girl and was planning to announce his relationship status right after EMA. "
Could it be true? If it is, how do you react upon this statement?
On this special BK’s love review, I’ve randomly picked from our new FB account, some loyal fans of Tokio Hotel especially the fans of Bill Kaulitz to share their thoughts on this. I must say, most of you have shown a good response to it. I’m touched and hey you are so qualified to be considered yourself as a true fan of Bill Kaulitz, I’m proud of you! ;D
" If he's really in a relationship with the Russian girl, and planned to announce his relationship status, he should go for it. Announce it. Clear things up. Do it. He truly deserves this. He deserves to be happy. And we, as his fans should be happy for him as well. I know I will. I'll be happy because of two reasons; first, he has found the love of his life & second, it shows that he's NOT GAY. You know there are a lot of people who can't just shut their mouth out and keep accusing Bill of being gay. That makes me sick to the pit of my stomach. I mean, really. If he declared his current relationship status, haters probably will stop saying bad things about him. So I hope fans will understand the fact that he's just a normal guy who needs a girl in his life. We should all support him no matter what. Cheers. ;) "

" I have never believed in rumors. I don't really care for rumors. But I got to be honest, learning that Bill has a girlfriend, even though we're not so sure how far the truth is, just broke my heart into 483 million pieces. If this is true, we can't do anything but to be happy for him. He has finally found his soulmate. But hey, always look on the bright side. We want to see someone we love so much to be happy, right? It's something that he's always wanted. Like what he said in the MTV interview, "It's something I miss. I really want to have a soulmate". It's good enough for me to know if the lucky girl can make him happy and he's happy with the girl. Although I'm dying inside.
Anyway, the validity to this rumor will be revealed as Bill was said to announce it after EMA. So yeah. the truth will out soon whether this is true or not. We have to know for a fact that truth doesn't just hurt. It kills. So, we need to prepare ourselves to face the reality that eventually, Bill will find his true love. We need to be aware that this rumor will eventually become true, sooner or later. Who knows, his lover might be among us,his fans. Might be you, might be me! hehehe. kidding! "

" I flipped back in my chair when I read this alleged rumor statement. I haven't been keeping a watchful eye lately our dearly loved Tokio Hotel and our absolute favorite twins.When I read it, I instantly was reminded of the alleged rumor of 'a Rinoa Heartilly and Bill Kaulitz'. That was causing a lot of commotion and some of us fans who enjoy videogames discovered the girl Rinoa is based off a fictional character in Final Fantasy. I am uncertain what to think of this rumor but whatever the outcome is,it'll be worth hearing from Bill himself.
One thing I want to point out before people are quick to criticize and question my opinion is that more likely Bill would have told us the moment it happened or few days later on a broadcast or to a source of some kind. He truly cares for his fans and he always states he wants to share that special girl with us and that we should acknowledge the relationship. If it's matter of security and safety for his image, maybe putting it off was his best option. Whatever the case may be, we know we'll still love him no matter what :) So don't forget to turn on your television when the EMAs hit! It's news you don't wanna miss! "

United States.
" Well, i think that maybe this rumor is false, because many times in the past there were rumors about a new hypothetical BK’s girlfriend. But, if it was true, first I would cry and be surprised and then I would try to learn things about her. "

" Wow! What a surprise XD Ok, a Russian GF. Nein, Idk how this rumor comes out and to be honest I’m a bit freak out n sad when knowing this. I guess I might pass out if Bill announce his GF at EMA. After all, I'm not ready to know that Bill is gonna be in a relationship. But in the end, I would say.. all I want is his happiness and he gets my blessing * Honestly, it breaks my heart to say it. "

" Wow...unbelievable! If it’s true, well it's good for him! :) "

" I think it's not true. The rumor says that Bill met that girl first in a hotel, all TH fans know this, that Bill is not like this. Meeting a girl in hotel is so not OUR BILL. If it is true then, I think I would stay clam n be happy for him that he has found his soul mate after a very long time. He deserves to be happy............But this is not my reaction. The real truth is I will be dead if it's true because BILL IS MINE. He can't date anyone other than me me ;D I want him and I know he wants me too :P Really, I will be dead if it's true cause I can't imagine BILL with another girl...........Ich Liebe BILL fur immer! "

" I don't mind if Bill is in love with someone (and not me, but it's cool). I think it's a gift to him. After knowing that he wants to have true love I see no problem. I'm sure his fans we'll be happy if Bill is happy (some might cry though because they didn't get the chance). Let Bill announce his relationship after the EMA. No, scratch that! Let him announce it to the whole world. Why? Because he finally gotten his wish. Being a major rockstar and falling in love. There's nothing better than that.
Also, who cares where the girl is from? Russia, America, Japan, Mars! Only care about their love. I know someday I'll be like Bill. Being with a band, rocking on my guitar (okay, part of that is Tom :p) and falling in love with that special someone. To tell you the truth, I believe in "love at first sight" just like Bill does. Let's see what the future will bring for all of us..."

United States.
" It was shocking when I heard about this news.but it was just for a while as there were many gossips of this kinds. Bill's and Tom's and ended up, it wasn't true at all. However,we can't deny that one day these gossips will soon be real, it's just a matter of time.
We just have to accept the fact. Yes,all of us are obsessed with them,overly-obessed. But,think back, we love them because of their music,their creations. We knew them through their music, the message in it. I’m so sure all of us are like that. For example,Selena Gomez is cute and pretty but do we like her songs? Some of us does but some of us doesn't. Or Miley Cyrus or Justin Bieber. It all comes down to the music they've created. So as a rational thinking person,I don't mind of his love life. His life is enough exposed by the media and not being able to live a normal life like us is unbearable. I just let him be what he wants to be so that I can listen to their music. He has done lots of things for us already, right? It’s so heart-felt evey time he says danke schon to his fans. If the media asked him anything, it will always be his fans. He never forgets where he came from and how. He has gone through ups and downs since he was small so he understands. I think he is the most gratifying musician ever! I really love his attitude.
If he has someone special already for all this while, let him be and as a true fan, we should be happy! Remember a fan action about supporting his privacy life. We all agreed to that as we care and love them for their music, not entirely because of their good looks. Let's continue to support his privacy.Another thing, with this special someone in his life, he will be able to make great music. I hope so too that this girl will always remind him about his success because of us. "

I think this rumor is good fresh start for us to bare in mind that sooner or later, we have to face the fact that the lonely rockstar boy we know and in love with will eventually find his way back into a real love. Obviously, we will be happy if he’s happy right? And there’s no reason for us to have the word HATE, in fact LOVE is pretty much all we’re gonna shower him with ;)
WAY TO GO, Bill K's fans!! :D
ReplyDeleteBill K fans are really sweet. I can compare them with Tom K fans actually. hehe :D
ReplyDeleteBill brought us love. It's high time he gets a taste :)
ReplyDeleteI know this has been like almost a month when you posted this, but I just wanna share my thought. I would be happy for him because seeing him happy is what makes me happy :) Though I would be heart broken for a long time 'cause I am really in love with him T_^
ReplyDeletehes not dating a russian girlfriend..
ReplyDeletebut he has a friend calls Ninnie Sha,they are close some fans told me
This rumor is TRASH.
I think Bill has a girlfriend, i think that he would have to. he doesn't even take a second look at other girls. i think tom does too though.
ReplyDeleteI know a girl personally that's related to one of the boys. (i've seen pics, videos, and loads more of proof) and she's dropped enough hints about it.
I don't think there's any russian though haha
First of all, unless your MALE then you probably have very little chance of ever being with Bill. He's gay. I'm guessing half of you freaks would drop your so called admiration of him if he ever had the gall to come out. Closed minded idiots is what half of you are. I'm putting my guesses as to his love life on some cute man nobody suspects. Don't worry girls, he'll never get married unless it's legalized. Haha!
ReplyDeletewow people
ReplyDeleteyou freak out way too much
let him be happy if he wants a relationship
and just because he hasn't said anything at the EMA's doesn't mean its not entirely true
you never know
but then again he has said before he could never keep a relationship a secret
plus its not like him too keep things from fans in the first place. he tells all
Woooo...chillax this is just a little review. And if you haven't read, I've already cleared things off on this issue on the other post(see link below).
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, btw ;)
I mean, all the things you've guys have said is right,BUT. There's something I don't agree with. You said you're gonna be happy with whoever Bill would date, find his soulmate, etc. 'cause everybody deserves to be happy. But why say HE SHOULD NOT FALL IN LOVE WITH SOMEONE NOT IN THE OPPOSITE SEX? I mean, what? Not saying he is gay, but who knows? Real fans would accept whatever Bill would choose to be. We can't tell him what to do. Again I ain't saying he could be GAY. So if you call yourself A REAL BILL KAULITZ FAN/LOVER, him being gay won't actually matter and you'll remain as a fan.
ReplyDeleteHey there, well this post is dated way back then. as about now, we come to a term of being more matured to accept possible/impossible things that may happen to Bill. truthfully, as a fan, we didn't intend to go against with the 'Bill being a homosexual' issue (if he is one), my bad for writing bluntly without thinking. He could be GAY and who said we wouldn't accept it, we will!
Delete"To be honest, if Bill was actually caught seeing to be dating with a girl, I’d say we should love him even more since he stays on being the true nature of him! A man." (this point i stated out actually meant like this); obviously being a girl who adores a man that turned out to be gay would be painful (i'm not saying it in a bad way but hey it was based on my personal experience) but eventually we'll just have to accept it, right? ;)
you're right, it won't matter at all of accepting a true nature of someone that you're practically fangirling over. like i said, this post was so old, hence it clashed with our silly old minds. well thanks for sharing your thoughts though :)
Hye there
ReplyDeleteI think all the boys of the band got a girlfriend. And all fans should be happy for them. it will once happen but i guess their scared for how we their fans gonne react on it if we know it. Killing yourself gonne hurt them a lot because they love their fans so much, and fans what do u like the most seeing them with a soulmate (true love) with who they wanne have a relation en being happy or them seeing without the love of their life and so happy. Fans we need to be happy for them if it ever happen. Well i would be happy for them.
"Love who Loves you back" explains everything.
ReplyDeleteI wish so much that i wouldn't care. Bill has been a curse in my life. Stuck in my head like its burnt in there. I don't want to feel obsessed or any of those ugly feelings. I would only want to meet him now so I can get this cursed illusion to shatter forever. I hate it. Its like getting a present laced with poison, or getting a million dollars but being the loneliest person on earth. Its like looking through a cracked mirror. Its useless.
All I see is talk. This is not healthy. People can say anything they want to say, and they could make up and sugar coat anything just to please people's ears. It's kind of sad, but its true.
The truth is, as far as I know, no one is perfect and no one can please everyone. So we should stop expecting so much.
I should've never gotten to know about him like this. It must be over soon. For good. I don't care about his gf or bf or whatever he likes. He has a right to be happy and content, yes. But I do too. And you do too.