Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A Killer Visualization of a high resolution Picture Perfect Shots posed by An über Sexalicous pair of the Kaulitzs!

The wait is over, my fellow humanoids! The set of the Audi A1 photographed shots taken a few weeks back, are finally out for us to get our eyes glued to them! Simply breathtaking, better yet alluring! is how it can be best described!

Trust me, I find myself with no words when I first saw these photoshoot photos. In my mind, I could only think of one phrase which is,

" OMGahhhhhhhhhhhh, they're so fucking HOT! " ;p
( God must be mad at me on using a vulgar word during the holy fasting month, aiyayai! Now, that might have caused me a big sin, yikes! )

All of the sudden, there's no air to breathe in like the oxygen in the atmosphere around you has been sucked out completely, and you're suffocating while at that exact time, you're dealing with an eye-catching glimpse on every single one of those picture perfect images produced by the über unique yet sexy pair of European twins who managed to strut themselves stylishly with the oh! so super slick, Audi's latest automobile model, Audi A1, which only leave you to drool all day along until your saliva runs out! Beware! They will allure you with their seductive structured handsome faces that will give you a thousand reason, why should the cupid struck an arrow on your heart! Your hearbeat keeps beating like crazy! and there's no end to it. I'm pretty sure if you can't handle it, you might just shut those eyes of yours, ready to travel into a whole new dimension where Bill and Tom would be your worst nightmare that will keep haunting you in your phantasiewelt! But hey, you don't seem to mind if those sexy bewitching twins haunt you, right? ;p

Be sure to control yourself all you can as these shots will eventually make you high in the ecstacy of the sultry sexiness of Bill & Tom Kaulitz! *Woot Woot* Bring on the sexy siren, baby! ;D

Apparently, the shots taken were made as comic on the Audi A1 E-Mag site. There is still no sight of any video promo produced. But let's just hope there will be, at least one that will fill our desire to watch these sexy different yet lookalike creatures calling out all the attraction on promoting their very own, local-made brand of car! Yes, Audi and the Kaulitz twins were born in Germany, like that's so obvious! No wonder, they look effing HOT together! ;)

1 comment:

  1. kii~!!ah..ah, can' breath...saw them with those killer cars!!they're!!!!!!!!!!
