Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Darkside of the Soon!

As how Bill would start off the Darkside of the Soon, I mean ..Sun 
with "..Hello! Hello!" ;D

Yes, a very happy hello to you, Aliens! It is a matter of fact already new year! We've been quiet for too long I suppose, trying to beat off Tokio Hotel's hiatus status now eh? Honestly, we are currently gathering some new scoops and stories just to fill in the blog for your reading pleasure! BUT sadly, we couldn't get enough sources to spill out the hot dishes out of the boys, sigh! It is indeed 2014, and so far the boys only served us a simple starter of a very short words of happiness, "Happy New Year!!!" with exactly 3 exclamation marks! They were surely excited or plain sarcastic? haha and of course, it's via twitter. Oh come on, boys! Not even some pictures? Guess you forgot to snap one and share to the aliens due to your enticing new years celebration of booze and chit-chatting! Who should we thank for those delish stalking info? Yes, the paparazzi. At least, they kinda made us happy to see half of the band members still alive for 2014! As January began reeling, there was actually a small surprise for the Aliens to dig in! again via twitter. And yes, #TokioHotelFollowSpree round two! You tweet and retweet, you got a follow by the band's official twitter page but the chances are thin! since it only lasted for about an hour for Tom and Georg to keep pushing that follow button and they are gazillion of us, tweeting, spamming, non-stop! Congratulations to those who got the follow, you lucky ones! To those who didn't like us, no worries, just chill back and relax, swallowing the fact that you'll never get noticed by the band, haha!

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So okay, maybe the boys did serve us something in a form of music, a collaboration (in conjunction to support NFL campaign of overcoming prejudice, bullying and discrimination) that only has Bill singing for merely a few seconds with a few repeated lines in the song. "I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am ..worth it!" Oh it's worth it alright and we don't mind at all! or are we? I know this may sounded desperate but we NEED to hear new songs that has Bill's voice from the very beginning to the end! Forgive us, Gods of Humanoid City, our patience has clearly worn off by now. And there's only one request we would like to plead to you, please let 2014 be your year to rule once more! Yeah, it's a riot, it's a riot, IF you say no! ;p

1 comment:

  1. Nobody will invest the money to make their new album. The music executives know that Humanoid was unpopular. The twins did the DSDS show because they could make more money than their music could earn them now. Ask yourself why the twins moved to a smaller house last year and Tom drives a used car... They might disappear someday without a word.
