A new mission was set in his twisted virtuoso mind, to perform with full pride on stage at his favourite beautiful city of Tokyo, Japan is what he shall do in a few days from now. Somehow, a trip to a new place which he dreamt of going since forever in his journey of life as being the one and only lead singer of Tokio Hotel has made him feel rather ecstatic, not to mentioned, overjoyed and with the non-stop grinning, yeah pulling a big wide smile like those creepy jokers, Thank God he still looks drop-dead gorgeous! though, is like the best way for him to express his happiness when the cameras caught him in every snapshots! And hey, for one thing and like obviously, he would never seem to let his fashion go down in the pit! Always on a fashion go-go!
Let's see what Bill has pulled off on his day #1 in the Fashion Capital City of Tokyo! ;)

To create a simple 'on-board-for-a-flight' look, Bill has combined together his usual black skinny jeans with a vintage-band tee, Aerosmith seemed to favor him the most since that band is after all one of his favourites of all time! He was off with the make-up, of course! I mean, it was a long flight journey, he surely wouldn't want to sleep in heavy eyeliners which later will be smudged and there goes a fatal error on his gorgeous appearance! A pretty good tip, the next time you go on a flight that requires a long freaking hour to just sit there and wait until you have reached your destination, better not apply any paint or whatsoever make-up on your face! Okay, a maybe a little won't hurt like some glossy on the lips and a thin art of black liner on the eyes to make you look fresh, dull look should certainly be avoided. You wouldn't wanna let people see how crappy you look after going through one whole day in a boring flight, now! But just remember the key is to try to stay with a natural look as much as possible. If you're scared that your eyes might turned out to draw a dead tired and drowsy look, put on an aviator or sunglasses, baby! Yes, just like Bill Kaulitz himself ;) He looks Superhot with those Retro-framed shades! My advice, you don't need to be a rockstar if you wanna be all glam rocking! All you need is a positive confidence to go all stylish and please do not be afraid when all attention is to you! ;)

The hottest piece of Bill's clothing for this time around has got to be that black biker leather jacket! Yeah, a leather jacket most definitely be that one item when it comes to create the right image for a true rocker soul! I'd say that jacket matched perfectly with his rocker tee! And he had only one shade of colour on him from head to toe, Black! Spice up more to his rockish style! All hail to the ROCK God of today's century! ;p Although, that beanie knitted hat he was wearing kinda make his Rocker God look gone a little off with the brightness! The light is slowly dimmed and POOF, darkness is all we see! Haha ;p But we would still be drooling for him, anyway for he has added a tender touch of his cuteness! KAWAII! Now, we know his intention was to pull the crowd on saying that out loud to him! Isn't that right, Bill? Your innocent face and that halo on your head won't work on me! I know you were playing a dirty trick on your Japanese fans! LOL, kidding now ;p

So okay, with that gold plated watch on his wrist totally scored as to make him carrying an image of a real man! Yeah, I love it when men wears a classic wrist watch either it was coated with gold or silver, it would surely make them look very handsomely sophisticated! But remember now, Bill isn't a true macho man, so you can't blame him to have that one branded man handbag on his hand, he needs something as to lift up his metrosexual appealing and well, his handbag collection has always done that for him! ;) Now, I've noticed that's like a new way of him to carry that handbag, yeah go over the shoulder! And My Oh My, that 'vein-sticking-out' hand of his makes me feel like I wanna grab it so that it would gently wrap itself around my waist! Opps! ;p I'm sure everyone of you would be thinking the same thing, now! Haha, BUSTED! One thing missing, I couldn't seem to analyze his manicure in the exact detail. It looks white on the tip, maybe he had another round of his favourite black and white french manicure or just a plain white manicure. Couldn't really see it that well on the photographs, sorry :)
But yeah, simply said, Bill was and will always be on the fashion spotlight! A true fashionisto would be caught dead on wearing such a dreadful 'OMG-cover-your-eyes' outfit, now aite ;) And GOSH, he looks freaking HAPPY to be in Tokyo, flashing off his precious smiles all the way! :)
Me him share the same bag! Yves Saint Laurent bag.. Oh.. love it and love HIM!!