As always, showcase is like a small gig where you are there to perform on account of promoting yourself or to make people more aware of the music that is being carried out by you and your band. So, basically it will only lasted in a short timing, a few tracks were played as to make it as simple as it is. Still, if it includes this 4 aliens from the Humanoid City standing on the stage, ready to rock out for a small show, you wouldn't be bothered to call it as a showcase as to you it would be considered as a real live concert, too! Oh well, I don't need to review more about their show as you would definitely get what you have expected from these boys, a one rock show mayhem taht is ;) But I gotta say watching BK performed in Tokyo in his sexy loosen black tshirt is good enough to let you bite your lips and make you sweat on sensing the HOTNESS of the heat derived from concert and might if I say even in Youtube ;p Somehow, Bill looks so manly which totally turn me and my co-writer, Liena K on, oh yeah baby! Haha ;p Why oh why, that sexified alien boy just couldn't let us catch a breath. Tell me how can he CANNOT turn you on, now? That's rather impossible ;p And oh with that handsome voice of his would just be dancing in your ears making you feel like you wanna grab your laptop screen and get into it! As if Bill was hypnotizing you "Come, come, come to me!" in between of his songs while he was singing 'oh so sexy'! Yes, for those of you who would like to have a taste of that rare sensual feeling, I have provided a few video treats down below. All you have to do is just press play and let the haunting begins!
For more videos on TokioinTokyo, please visit Mariebillk's Youtube Channel! She got tons of high quality videos that surely would make you feel like you're actually at the scene, in the crowd! Thanks Mariebillk for sharing your amazing videos, we couldn't thankful enough ;)
Right after the showcase, the boys were brought to a Japanese TV show broadcast hosted by a very well know comedian in Japan. Woo..such a tiring day for them, huh? But I guess when they're in Tokyo, the term "Müde" seems to slipped out from their mood! What the heck? Obviously they would enjoy for like in every second they could get! It's their last day, anyway! ;) For them, it is totally worth to get tired in their admired city! Well, I'm actually itching to write more fashion reviews especially on that one particular rockstar *wink wink* Bill Kaulitz, wouldn't that be more obvious? Like I said, in every one of his unique fashion lies a tangled story ;) But yeah I couldn't find a one nice picture to describe on what he wore on his Day #4 in Tokyo! All I can say he donned a pretty checkered shirt inside a big jacket in the shades of orange and green teal, a tight denim skinny jeans paired up with an awesome shoe gear while those shades is just too cool to be worn by him and that my lovelies, would make a certainty on having him roaring in a hot radar and don't mind him for wooing you for just being the most stylish yet gorgeous man alive in the city of Tokyo as in about now! Beware! One Tokio Rockstar is on the loose in Tokyo, people! ;p If you don't believe me, the video below proves it all!
*Applauds* Brava Mein Blogger sisters :) Loved this one ^_^ YES! I saw some of those videos already. It was super funny in the screamin' one, he kept telling them to make noise! Sooo cute.
ReplyDeleteI'm sincerely happy for them all! Even the fans! Japan has been waiting the LONGEST for them. I'm happy to see Tokyo received Tokio successfully, and they plan on returning more in 2011!!
I don't know if they will be in the USA, I'm starting to save up a "TH fund" so I can see them in other countries atleast :/ lol.
awww thank you for the wonderful applause Sallyanne! ;) *bowsss proudly* Muah muah, kisses for ya! hahaha i know right ;p
ReplyDeleteyeahhh we couldn't be more happier for the fans and of course esp. Tokio Hotel! Wuhuu! they did it! yeahhhh, that's what we heard, i hope everything will go on well with them and let them have more glorious victory ahead!
yess, you should! come to Malaysia! we'd be dying to have you here to be rocking with us! ;p