Wednesday, February 29, 2012

FEM f. Bill Kaulitz

Didn't you hear? As it was being tweeted by Cherrytree Records recently, there will be a new hot collaboration out in May, soon! Now, why would I scooped this story out for you? Well well, obviously because it involves our sexy frontman, Bill Kaulitz! Woots! ;D

I guess Cherrytree Records has brought a surprise to us! Ecstatic much? Oh yes, you have to! Can you imagine the artist who invited Bill to collaborate with is non other than the Far East Movement? WHOA! Now, that is a very interesting music project, I must say! Bet the song would be a hit if Far East Movement decided to make "If I Die Tomorrow" as their new single. I got the feeling, big chances, they will! OMG, I can't imagine Bill is singing a song together with Far East Movement?!?! A German rocker alongside with those Asian word, Wow!

Like seriously, this whole thing really gives us a shocking surprise! I'm still wondering how would the song turned out to be! Hold up now, gotta wait for it til May! About 2-3 months to go, it's gonna be a long anxious wait! Aiyayai~!

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