Saturday, January 19, 2013

Newsflash: Dreadlocks All Gone!

Just one little post on the alien wall says it all. Yeah, no more doubts about the hair issue as Mr. Tom Kaulitz himself has justified that he is no longer wearing his fav. hair signature, yeah the dreadlocks! ;) hope he doesn't trick us with his words, though!

Oh we're sensing that Tommi is building up his fashion skill each and every single day! Perhaps, he got influenced by his baby brother or maybe Ria? Haha, chillax ..don't you go all mad when I mention her name now ;p What is worth here, we will get to see the new transformation of Tom, hopefully soon. I'd say he would turned out to be damn hell out of sexy just like Bill! or more sexier than Bill?! ;O Sorry now, the th!e team is currently suffering from Tom fever ever since DSDS. Just come to realize that maybe we've made a little mistake on labeling Bill as the good looking one, yikes! Okay, scratch that. They're both equally good looking! I'm not gonna do any comparison on the twin or the TH fandom might start a war! Whether you're a #TeamBill or #TeamTom, let's make peace by combining them both with #TeamKaulitz! While all of us are distracted by Tom's 'dreadlocks-all-gone' drama at the Astro Burger, I think we have forgotten about Bill for a second there. Haha, sorry dear Billi for your brother has stolen your limelight, unintentionally. But I must say, you're looking kinda stunning even if it comes with an act of eating french fries! One thing about Bill Kaulitz you should know, ladies and gentleman is that.. he's all about the class, baby! 

I know the anticipation of waiting for Tom to reveal his new hair is killing us! So, why not we put our mind at the world of imagination just to kill our anxiety! Oh heavens, we're now seeing another version of Tom Kaulitz, people! The hunky island dude, no kidding :/

Yes, such Killer Kaulitz he is!
Show us your hair, Tom!

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