Friday, August 6, 2010

Modern Day Rockstar Dandy!

Metrosexually alluring!
Just perfect to describe the stylish yet stunning frontman of the band ;)

He walked on his way to the stage for a tv show in a smooth black slack while on his body tatooed skin is covered with a white plain designer shirt stiched with a black cloth as a collage sort of design on the shoulder, tied up on the neck with a black scarf and that favourite piece of rockish fingerless leather gloves seemed to be just nice to wrap up his wrist, creating an illusional image of a rockstar manwhore to be precise. Sexually attractive! Am I gone over the board now? I think so, all thanks to him. And we thought Strify from Cinema Bizarre is the only one who managed to pull off that sexy manwhore look, guess not anymore ;p

"A kiss, a touch, never enough.." Okay, that's like what is dancing in my mind when I see Bill in an old fashioned or so called dandy vintage look, like a pure gentleman in the old days, treating the ladies as if he's the famous romantic Romeo but what makes it to get some extra bonus for this new attire showed off by him? Simply because the shirt is top with a designer's touch, tailored just for his torso to fit. Drooling for a fashion case on Bill Kaulitz is an absolute option for us to just admire him ;D

Bill Kaulitz is a Maneater indeed! Trust me, he attracts the both gender like that is so obvious, eat them all up like they are yummy to munch on by just striking himself in an attractive wear that will make the fashion scene in this world went havoc!

You guys can slap me again for making another review on Bill Kaulitz! Please don't put the blame on me, put it on the sexy glamtastic Bill Kaulitz, for a change? ;) I can't help it, his alluring fashion taste is a killer shot for my eyesight making me itch to type some creative arrangement of words just to describe on what is worn by this glam sexy rocker!

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