Now now, settle down rocker-tarist. You wouldn't be, if you let us into your hotel room. Sigh, with his six packs under his plain white T-shirt and his red checkered shirt nothing will go wrong for him to look this scrumptious especially when he wears it with his most vital accessory ever! His lush pink lips in its perfect curve to pull out one eighty head-spin smirk on his german-licious face. Things can't get any better than that, trust me. Once he starts to pull a few maneuvurs on you such as walking up to you, and have you trap against the walls. Honey, better call 911 before it's too late. (hell yeah, sing it with me -I have never seen anything else, quite like Him. He looks at me vacantly empty just stare right through.) mmhmm, that could be your explanation to the doctor once you're fully awake after you took that awful stumble.
Plus, right after the doctor has left you to rest in the E.R. you would go, Damn he's a sexy bitch! muttering it under your breath after replaying that incident in your mind once again. Tom Kaulitz had actually put his arms out to trap me on the wall. And with that you ask yourself one question, How did I survive that?
Yes, answer it. How did You survive that? But hey, maybe he would answer for you. Right Tom? (being right below you here, look how tempting he looks. down, down - says Ali their body guard from the Zimmer 483 dvd.)

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