" Crave for new a poster of our fav. German boys? "

Well, there's a little treat from the Galaxie Mag just for the Malaysian fans ;)
Be sure to grab the coming soon October issue as they have a Tokio Hotel poster ready to be pasted on your bedroom wall! Here's a reminder, just make sure you purchase more than one issue so that you could treasure them as your precious prize possesions ;p

Just like my sister and I, we love to collect posters! Especially when it comes to our favourite stars! Tokio Hotel included, obviously ;D And we did share our thoughts on that by sending a letter to LIME mag once upon a time ago, way back then when we actually working our hard asses off requested for a TH poster for the very first time on the local mag. LIME mag eventually bought a Tokio Hotel picture just for the sake of fulfilling our requests so as some other awesome old TH fans' requests too, it was a debut for Tokio Hotel to be featured as a poster in our local magazine, that's for sure ;) Our hardwork paid off but we had to deal with some pretty nasty humiliating exposure just because we kept writing in about Tokio Hotel to the Mag. All thanks to the selfishness of a particular TH fan and LIME too for hating us too much. But what's past is past and they got what they deserve, to tell you the truth, LIME went bankrupt! *victory dance, wuhuu!* Hah, there goes our curse! Next time, just becareful on who you're messing up with ;p

< And Proof Smoof, see how a random TH fan (who happen to be all nice to us in the online world ) would bring other TH fans down for a such a lame reason. But I gotta say, this thing makes me laugh all the time. I know, we got too carried away with TH back then, don't blame us, we were kids and TH are just too yummy to munch on but is it wrong for us to promote and make them big here? I don't think so. And well, thanks LIME for your fake generousity on putting up Tokio Hotel on your magazine! We love you, NOT! ;p And my advice to all the TH fans out there, please Make Love not War! among us, like seriously our boys would be so damn pissed and sad to see their own fans on the battlefield, trying to smackdown on each other! Yikes!
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