Picture of the Day! :D

Yes, as you can see BK was showing off his old 'Freiheit 89' tattoo at the Brazil press conference, typical him but still that unique tattoo remains an eye-catcher! *woot woot* Oh yeah, Gustav has a new tattoo carved on his skin, now that's new! Are you kidding me? I'm not gonna go blab all about Tokio Hotel's art of tattoos now, I'm here for an exciting delicious dish to serve you with ;)
What I'm about to fuss you guys this time around might just make you heart jump out off your chest and so as letting you scream out loud til your heads off! Recently, MTV Greece has made an annoucement that Tokio Hotel will be releasing a NEW VIDEO for 'Hurricanes & Suns', soon! *breathe in, breathe out* Phew, okay that was such a heart-racing shout out! ;p

As you have heard by now, 'Hurricanes & Suns' is gonna be Tokio Hotel's new single from their new 'Best Of' album, Hell yeah! I'm pretty sure with that one fiery hot song on the loose, it will burn up all the radio charts out there! And with a new video in the making which to be set free anytime around, they will fill us with thrilling anxiety of excitement! Yes, bring the hurricanes and suns now, boys! Kill us with that deadly weapon of yours and it's clear enough to say that we'd love be shot dead by that killer song! ;D Bring it on! Picture above shows the cover art for the English and German version of the soon to be released 'Best Of' album. Oh btw, you can now have a pre-listening to all the tracks of the new album only on Amazon!

In the meantime, let's put our mind at the world of wonders on how 'Hurricanes & Suns' video would turn out to be. Will it be as Hi-tech as it was filled with fast cars, futuristic constructed stage and robotics approach alike to 'Automatic', or will be as dramatic yet touchy cinematography-like video filled with memorable shots from the boys and to forget the fire burning walls and such in 'World Behind My Wall' or will be as electricfying stage-rocking filled with live clips from the Humanoid City Tour in the 'Darkside of the Sun' - which I find that they could do even better on producing a videoclip with that awesome rocking song but then again, can't blame them entirely, it is indeed for the sake of promoting their new DVD, boohoo X) Yeah, hope that 'Hurricanes & Suns' will be SUPERNOVA-TASTIC just like the song itself! We have faith in the boys that they wouldn't let us down. Let Tokio Hotel rule the world, forever and ever! ;p

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" Just remember, we're all counting on you, Sexy Boy Aliens! :D "
" Just remember, we're all counting on you, Sexy Boy Aliens! :D "
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