Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Fashion follows Bill ;p


What would you get if you put a red ugly checkered skinny pants on a heavenly gorgeous German boy? Can't hardly look, you say? Yeah right. I say, I bet you immediately ignore the ugliness of the pants all of the sudden and might as well just label it as one of Bill Kaulitz's amazing fashion couture! Voila, and sooner or later you'll find that same one ugly pants will be a trend you would follow! Don't blame me for saying it, blame the young fashion rock icon for making the fashion scene to swallow his idea of unique style ;p

Obviously you couldn't deny the fact that Bill Kaulitz is spelled as F-A-S-H-I-O-N-I-S-T-O, FASHIONISTO! Mark my word because you know that's the real truth. Fashion and Bill, what are the odds? None. He's always on the track when it comes to fashion, am I right? Yeah, I assume Bill will be singing happily to Lady Gaga's, agreeing to what I've just said so as telling the world,

"I'm on the right track baby, I was born this way!" ;p

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