Sunday, July 1, 2012

Aliens to Love!

 Another round of applause to us, the aliens
*Woot Woot* ;D 

Sorry, The Directioners, TWfanmily, Echelon, Glamberts and others. I guess you just can't beat off the Tokio Hotel Aliens fan army! Once the Aliens have invaded, there wouldn't be any chance for you to steal or we might zap you with our invisible antennas, haha! ;p I have to admit of what Tokio Hotel have frequently said before that they have the most awesome fans ever! Because I don't know how we did it but this is like for the 3rd time in a row, the Aliens have won the MTV OMA fan army FTW award on being the most dedicated fans ever! BRAVO! Tokio Hotel or should I say, the Kaulitz twins must be, like Bill would say; "weally weally pwoud" of us or else, they wouldn't be so eager to make a video even when they look like some kind of drunken guys came straight out from the pub in the middle of the night! haha, trust me..they seems high especially Tom, hee ^_^v

While Tom is back to his original dreadlocks hair, we kept wondering what kind of hairstyle Bill has put on, this time around. And my my, he has revealed his new sexy hairstyle via the acceptance video! No more electric grey, say hello again to the blondie hottie, Bill! And Oh Lala, his mohawk is back, double the sexiness! Hoping that he would keep it until the new album came out, though! Well, you know how our Bill is, right? I won't be shocked if the next thing we know, he has the colour blue for his hair! XD

We just feel like we wanna eat you two up! 
Wait, is that the same shirt? Twins' appreciation siren, please;
Awwwwwwwwwwwwww~! ;p

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