Sunday, July 1, 2012

When Reality meets Heaven in a Convenience Store! ;p

I have a story for this one, enjoy aliens! ;D 

 To have seen two sexy yet hunky German boys coming out from a convenience store! WHOA, now that would make you wanna run to that store everyday, waiting for those guys to come back! even when you have to waste your money practically on bubblegum or Mentos just to make the store owner feeling rather less suspicious towards your act of stalking ;p Just pretend that it's hard for you to choose the right flavor of bubblegum for that day, hence it takes up a lot of time to spent! Wise idea, huh? Right when the bell rings, you couldn't just stop looking at the door! hoping that your favourite rockstars' faces would make an appearance. Time has passed, you just have to pick any flavor of bubblegum anyway since the store guy/lady started to have an evil eye on you. Next step, magazine racks! Flipping through magazines, now this is a genuine yet brilliant idea, why haven't you think of it earlier rather than acting all stupid on making a hard decision on the bubblegum?! Pfft! Plus, it is so much closer to the entry doors, duh. One by one, you flipped the page of the magazine that whatever your hand grabbed but your eyes were clearly concentrated to the doors, obviously. And when people around stared awkwardly at you, you've just realized that the magazine you had in your hands, let's just say, wasn't the appropriate one for girls. Playboy or Men's Health magazine would surely put you in shame! Quickly, you put them back and have a quick look to grab the Seventeen magazine! More and more people are coming but no sight of the boys. You feel so helpless and lost hopes since you've been doing this for like almost everyday since you first knew that the Kaulitz twins are regular customers of this store through the tabloids! What more, when your cellphone kept on ringing, clearly to say your mum was looking all over for you! 

 "Yes, mum. I'm on my way home, now! Bye." 

You clicked the red button to cut off the line and went straight to the cashier to do your payment. Home is where you will be heading since there wasn't any sign at all that the boys would be coming on that particular day! While you have your balance cash in your hands and busy-ing yourself on getting them into your purse, your eyes suddenly saw a familiar Audi car parked nicely through the glass windows of that store. "Isn't that Tom's car?" While you're at your state of wonder, your eyes are glued outside but your feet still do the walking, heading to the doors for an exit assuming that you went there everyday, so you have memorized perfectly of the way out direction without even looking. Too distracted on wondering if it's really Tom's car or not, the bell gives another ring. Although, your ears didn't signal the sign to you. You kept on walking and walking until it came to a point where you have bumped onto someone and the next thing you knew, you're lying on your back! "Ye-ouch! This person's body is quite hard, he must be pretty muscular", that's what you thought. 

 "Sorry, babe. Are you okay?" 

"Wait a minute, why do I get the feeling that his voice and accent sounds really familiar." As you turned to face the guilty in charged person who made you fall on your about the shock ;O Suddenly, your face turned pale like you have seen a ghost for the first time in your life. Dreadlocks for hair and that face! That familiar sexy face! And with that sexy lip piercing! Behind him, there was another one, an exact photocopy of him but with a different style approach. Less muscular but still yummy muscles! Tattoos here and there and with those distinctive facial piercings! Help, there are two sexy sex gods on the loose! :/

"Oh God, am I in heaven?

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