Thursday, January 17, 2013

An Unrequited Love of a Merman

Personally, each one of us are not really fond upon the idea of Bill's getting a new tattoo since about 70% of his body are all covered up with them already. But think again, who are we to stop him from doing what he likes or desires to his own freaking hot bod? ;) Tattoos are hot if it's intertwined with a beautiful symbolic art. Just like Bill's, he just knew how to make every drop of the ink worth to be rendered on his body. We love the skeleton tattoo of his the most but I'm pretty sure, the skeleton is ranked as 2nd place right when Tom revealed Bill's recent art of tattoo. So, the mystery is yet to be unveiled. It may inspired from a wall drawing that he admires (via btk app), but we're not quite sure of what the image actually portrays to him, gotta wait Bill for that! But here's a little thought from us of what we think it meant.

A picture of a Merman kissing a naked human lady. What a strong passion for love, huh. Maybe it has something to do with love after all? By all means, it brought us back to the classic Disney tale of Little Mermaid or any other mermaid tales if you happen to know. As cliche as it is, we all know how Ariel the mermaid is longing to go on land even though her dad, the king of the sea won't allow her to and what more? to even meet the prince. Alas, Ariel met the witch to exchange her voice with a pair of legs in order to get to her prince. It shows that she would do anything for the sake of love even though the price comes with her precious voice. Maybe, well just MAYBE in Bill's world of imagination,
..he put himself in Ariel's shoes. A merman who desire to love an unreachable human through a forbidden love. The love that he longs for would be so damn hard to reach and what more when he is a creature of the sea and she is a mortal. Setting a Merman as a character, maybe he thought that for a human with a unique soul like him, it seemed impossible to have fallen in love that easily with merely a human. He seeks for an unconditional love, the one who will accept him for who he really is, the true nature of his, certainly not him as a Rockstar. And when he met this special someone, he might lose his voice or shall i say, down goes his singing career just to prove his devotion towards their love. Calm down, now. May I remind you, this is only an assumption. The tattoo might represent something else, a story that only our favourite Rockstar would share or keep :) 

However, it saddens us to think of how Bill's tale of love really is because it always relate back to an unrequited love story, he kept looking for the love but it never answers him back. Remember our written tale of Phatomrider ? Yeah, it seems alike to this beautiful tattoo image of his. Beautifully aching, I must say.


  1. Have you ever thought of the possibility of the "merman" actually being a mermaid?:D
    Just thinking...

  2. haha yes! it could be a mermaid because the initial drawing was actually a mermaid kissing a girl, lol. but somehow, i called it a merman for Bill's tatt because of its masculinity ;)
