Monday, January 14, 2013

Welcoming the year 2-0-1-3!

Oppsie, we're pretty late of wishing you guys a 'Happy New Year!' but no matter, good news is we're finally back on track, wohoo! ;D Setting a goal for this new year, the th!e team is gladly to say we're trying our best to make this site as your No.1 fav. spot of your daily dosage fun reading of all things Tokio Hotel! To start off the year 2013, I shall take this opportunity to welcome the newbies who have just discovered this site, yes ..a very BIG welcome to you! ;) and of course, a very warm welcome to our avid followers too who never seemed to stop throwing their love and support at us, thanks a lot, aliens! So yeah, as you can see I'm making a good use of this first 2013 post with lovely greetings and hey maybe, I should add a few clarifications about our site? How's that? Well, just to make things clear since we got a few of negative feedbacks from our viewers last year, most of them misunderstood the whole content of our reviews.

Hence, I have listed down a few IMPORTANT things that you guys should know if you're following our site. This is merely to avoid any misconception of our blog contents/reviews.

All reviews are written 100% by us. Yes, we took scoops from reliable sources but we DO NOT copied off the written text elsewhere. 

 All reviews are based on our opinions and creative writing skills, so please DO RESPECT every post/review written by us. 

We write only for the sake of fun and your reading pleasure, we DO NOT intend to offend any parties but if our contents are offensive, please report them back to us. 

We write on regular basis whenever we're free, we DO NOT write on daily basis but we're try our best to continuously serve you with new entries every now and then. 

We DO NOT write about twincest as to respect the Kaulitz twins' relationship. 

 As for every RUMOR review/post, we DO NOT clarify them as a true story. RUMOR remains a RUMOR, just like you guys ..we too are unaware of how far it could be true. 

Some of our reviews/posts may be fictional or make-believe, so we suggest for you to have a read first and then, judge. DO NOT simply assuming we're making-up stories, pulling a fake rumor or convincing you guys, a manip is actually a real picture. We get this a lot, trust me! :/

We DO NOT own all of the pictures attached to every review/post. Some of the personal pictures are linked back to the owner. 

This is a Tokio Hotel fansite. We DO NOT write only on the Kaulitz twins. Although, forgive us if most of our reviews are highly focused on Bill & Tom. The reason being, we couldn't get that much updates on Georg & Gustav that often. 

We welcome any suggestion for our writing from all aliens around the world. You can reach us by email (, twitter or facebook and if you have any questions, just ask us on ;) 

Now that everything is all cleared up. I shall say once again, Welcome to TH! Entertainment the 2013 circa! For a fresh start of the new year, we have upgraded our page a little with a new header in supporting the Kaulitz twins with DSDS! I got the feeling 2013 is gonna be an exciting year to look forward to! With the whole fun yet hilarious judging thingy in DSDS and heard the new TH album might be coming out?! I'd say my fingers wouldn't stop itching to write on those scoops! Delicious reviews are coming in your way soon, so stay tuned with us! now whatdaya say to them, Bill? ..


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