Friday, May 24, 2013

Bill's DSDS Fashion, Yay or Nay?

Now that DSDS is over, i know i know..can our Saturday night life be even more dull? ;) Perhaps, Tokio Hotel need to speed up their album-producing process so that our dull world could be brighten up with rainbows again, whee~! ;D Alright, as promised, I've managed to pile up my writing sources for a special DSDS Liveshow BK fashion review. My fingers couldn't wait any longer to blab about Bill's fashion in DSDS Liveshow! Heck I'm even guilty of watching DSDS just for the sake of seeing what our rockstar wore for the night! So, you saw what he has worn for every show and now it's my turn to dish out to you whether he scores high or low on the TH!E fashion-to-die-for board! I'm pulling out my star ratings, so here it goes! XD

DSDS Liveshow #1 
"You are cordially invited!

Imagine sitting on a table of feast and he's the host of the night. Likewise, sitting on the judging table and he's the critic of the night. Looking like a Monsieur from the old French century, Bill would take you into a world of darkness as he lures you with his charming attribute and of course it comes with a price of your blood. No doubt, as I've said before, he'd make Lestat De Lioncourt wishing he could beg Bill to take his character role for good. It's all about the ruffles and sleek suit! Such a rockerfella vintage he is! I don't really fancy that gold-crystallized belt on his neck though, it may be creative but it's a lot going on for that one spot! The ruffles are just enough, Bill! But obviously, our rockstar won't leave his divalicous topping away, oh well. For those who admires the old century like I do, put on your big dress and hail a hansom to this gentleman's mansion as he awaits for your arrival on his dinner table or should I say plate? ;)

Ratings: **** 

DSDS Liveshow #2 
"Keep Calm and Act Like a Sir!

I don't just LIKE it, I LOVE it! From top to bottom! Oh my God, could he be more elegant and classy? Yes, I'm a fan of the old century, futuristic era is not my cup of tea! Hence, this attire scores at the top of the list! Donning a simple white shirt with the sleeves folded (a major turn-on for a guy!) and that high-waisted black slack hung with suspenders, I spy a dashing young man wandering about on DSDS! I'd say Bill should keep his fashion at a minimal level sometimes due to his strong features, he doesn't have to wow us with extravagant clothes or accessories! Less is more! ;)

Ratings: ***** 

DSDS Liveshow #3 
"Ticket to a Rodeo show!

I have to admit when he tweeted a pic of this piece of clothing before the show, immediately I'm cancelling my plan on watching the show for that night, haha! I don't dare to look at him wearing that so-called hideous jacket *facepalm*, sorry Bill. But hey, even if it's hideous to my eyes, it is fashion couture and Bill seems to like it, he pulled it off stylishly anyway in the show! Feeling like in a glam rodeo, this bullfighter jacket of Christian Lacroix's is matched up with a white skinny and black tank top underneath by the bull master. Come to think again, not sure if he's the master or the bull though, all thanks to his septum ring ;p Well, all I could say for this one is, "take it off!" bet he'd rock better with that tank top only!

Ratings: * 

DSDS Liveshow #4 
"May I present to you, your Noble Rocker.

BK, Y U SO CLASSY & SEXY? if there's only one person who could combine classy and sexy together, it would definitely be Bill Kaulitz! You see what my problem is here? I can't stand of looking him being overly sexy with elegance. His sophisticated attire is spiced up with a glittery grey top, just like a perfect cherry on top of a banana split! It's not too classy as the element of glam rock is clearly visible and dominant. Sexy points for the top though for revealing his yummy muscular tattooed arms! Oh suspenders? Way to go! And of course, with a messy yet sexy ponytail for the hair, don't wait any longer, let's bring out the sexy siren, *Woot Woot*! If he's trying to payback for his previous fashion downfall of the rodeo, I gotta say he's done a good job because with having him wearing this one out, it'll make you just wish you didn't tease him for donning an ugly attire! Yikes!

 Ratings: ***** 

DSDS Liveshow #5 
"Big Bird is back!

Not with the furry jacket again! You ain't a pimp, Bill! :/ For one thing I dislike about Bill's fashion sense is when he pulled it off with an extremely HUGE furry jacket that look like it might just swallow his whole body up! But what can I say? Mr.Bill Kaulitz here breathes in luxury and extravagant! Bet he feels like he's the king of the world while flaunting that jacket on his shoulder. Underneath it however, a very unique clothing piece of batik being worn, good enough to score at least two stars on my rating ;p I'm not liking the overall scheme colour of his attire, it made him look rather dull.

Ratings: ** 

DSDS Liveshow #6 
"Les Miserables inspired?

A french soldier on the loose, this time around? Yeah, picture him with a rifle and shouting, "to the barricade!" He'd be one glam soldier, I must say! haha ;p Again with a simple dressing of black tank top underneath paired with red skinny, also with gold chains and rings for an accessorize, he creates a fashion statement of his own. Although, not good enough to grab my full attention because I think he could do better! ;)

 Ratings: *** 

DSDS Liveshow #7 
"A-TENTION! commander Bill's in charge!

I guess Bill's no longer ranked as a soldier, he is now a commander! ;p Looking gorgeously handsome in a black military jacket that spells couture, he is ready to take charge for an attack towards Dieter Bohlen, Mateo and even his brother, Tom, in order to put them down on the ground as he will be the only one who can rule the DSDS fashion land! I dig his ring, btw! ;)

 Ratings: **** 

DSDS Liveshow Semi Final #8 
"Ocean Blue.

And finally, Bill is following the trend instead of letting the trend follows him! Yes, everyone is into tie-dye hair right now and it includes him. He was all blue for that night, with blue streaks for the hair and blue shirt for the torso and you could only see him once in a blue moon to be rocking in the colour, blue. Rarely sees him in blue since black is his no.1 all time favourite choice but hey, he's looking all fine and dandy in blue, now that counts! I couldn't help it that his hair reminds me of the ocean world, do you feel like turning into a merman soon, Bill? ;p

Ratings: *** 

DSDS Liveshow Finale #9 
"Forever a Rockstar!

I expected him to be looking over the top for the finale show but thank God, Bill came to his senses and decided to just put on a typical sexified Rockstar look! Yes, somehow he's been hiding his true rockstar self for quite some time during the DSDS show with pulling off varieties of stylish attire that has none resemble him to as himself. Yes, a rockstar! A tight leather pants and star-studded leather jacket were good enough to make him look like one hella sexy rockstar that would rock your soul for the night! You rock the attire and the DSDS show, Bill! Rock on!

 Ratings: *****

Ella's Star Ratings
* Take it off or I'll tear it into pieces! 
** Get me a blindfold, I can't take another look! 
*** Trust me, you can do it better! 
**** Rock out with that fashion, baby! 
***** OMG, you're a total Fashion God! Strut for me, baby!

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