Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Bill's Ciggy Drama!

So, what does it takes for our fandom to have an earthquake this time around? Simple. one new insta pic with two things, Bill Kaulitz and a cigarette (a hand gesture to be exact). *BOOM* the ground is shaking, a sudden earthquake has occurred, possibly caused by the never-ending chaotic dramas of the Aliens. Can't help myself to dig in deeper onto this little matter which suddenly became a damn BIG deal all over the net! The scoop; as we all know, during one of the DSDS shows, Bill might have mentioned that he's gonna put an end to his smoking habit. Now, yes indeed, he said he's gonna quit! But may i remind you, if you think he would IMMEDIATELY stop buying those ciggi packets just because he declared it just like that, I suggest you should have a reality check! Know that it isn't easy for him since he's been smoking like a chimney since he was little, so when some of you Aliens out there went rampage and emotionally depressed, (assuming Bill made a broken promise to quit smoking) all that matters with all due respect, don't make Bill Kaulitz's life a living hell! Throwing away all your negative thoughts to Bill like it's the end of the world if he keep on smoking those icky thing. I have to admit seeing Bill smoking is a bit turn off for me but what the heck? it's his life anyway! Let him do whatever he wants! If he wants to continue smoking, let him! If he wants to fall in love, let him! If he wants to date a guy, let him! Leave his personal life to him for God's sake! But if he wants to quit Tokio Hotel, DON'T LET HIM! haha ;p

This is just a reminder post for all the BK fans out there, please just don't make a drama out of anything you see coming from this favourite rockstar of yours. He's a human just like us, he has a life other than being a famous rockstar, so kindly treat and respect him as one :)

p/s: well hey hey, Bill's looking gorgeously sexay in ze photo! ;)

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